I first met Kip aka Leung-Kit @KIPKAT whilst he was studying his degree in photography in London. He founded Eight magazine, a collaborative project where he worked with eight friends to produce a fashion & art magazine focusing on up and coming creatives. He interviewed and shot me for his magazine over six years ago and we’ve remained friends (and photography partners) ever since. Not often seen in front of the camera, (he HATES me taking his picture) Kip collaborates with me on many of my projects. You could say we make the perfect team!

Kip is shy, humble and a creative genius with his camera. He has worked with many modelling agencies including Models Plus, Nordic models, BMA models, as well as with brands like Asos, SANDQVIST, Five Guys & Instyle magazine. I’m so happy to share this interview with you and to put the spotlight on Kip for a change! I can’t recommend working with him enough - see his contact details below to book a shoot!


Name: Leung-Kit aka @KIPKAT

Occupation: Photographer & Fashion Photographer

Location: London 

IG Handle:  @kipkat


Q: Who is @KIPKAT?

A: I’m a London based portrait/fashion photographer. I’ve been doing photography for almost 10 years and I graduated from Ravensbourne University. I’m currently freelancing (mostly shooting women) and also doing some property photography on the side.

Q: Tell us, have you always been into photography? And what is your earliest photography memory? 

A: I got into photography in high school when we had a short course on it. I knew I was hooked as soon as I got my hands behind a camera. The creative process both on set and in post-production is what drives my enthusiasm for it. I started shooting portraits a couple of years after, when I was in college. But it was incredibly difficult finding models in my home town of Luton. I often had to come into London to shoot, and that’s when I fell in love with this city.

Q: What was your first camera?

A: My first camera was the Nikon D3100. It’s an entry level camera, perfect for people starting out.


Q: What advice would you give to someone starting out on a similar career path?

A: I get this question quite a lot. I wouldn’t say I’m the best person to give advice, but I think if you want to make it, you really have to show you want to make it. To be proactive and create opportunities where opportunities don’t appear.

Q: What would you tell your younger self?

A: I would tell my younger self to take advantage of everyone and everything around me. There was tons of equipment and creative people at my university and even during my time at college. I should’ve used them to my advantage more, instead of trying to go things alone.

Q: If you weren’t working as a photographer what would you be?

A: I think I’d still be in a creative field. Maybe something in the film or television area.

Q: What is your favourite part of what you do?

A:  My favourite part is at the end of the day, I plug my SD card into the laptop and start editing!


Q: How do you get inspired? And what inspires you the most?

A:  I think Instagram is a big influence for my work. Whenever I get a small idea, Instagram helps me to make it bigger. I use Instagram to find inspiration and photographers for my mood boards.

Q: How would you describe your take on photography? 

A:  I really like the film, retro look. I try to recreate that in my work, but also keeping the quality and sharpness that digital cameras provide.

Q: What has been the highlight of your career so far?

A:  I’ve been fortunate to work with some great brands, but I think my highlight would have to be something I did on my own. A few years ago, I created a photo book ‘Scandinavia’, detailing my shoots with different women in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. It was the scariest project I’ve worked on, because I was alone and organizing the shoots months in advance, which miles away and in a different country. But that project was a turning point for my work - it enabled me to realise what I was capable of, and what seemed to be impossible and scary at the outset - was actually quite easy.

Q: Besides photography what are you passionate about? Do you like to travel? 

A:  I love to lose myself in different worlds and stories. I’m currently obsessed with the Witcher universe. I’ve played the games, watched the Netflix and I’m currently on the sixth book. I think it’s important to take a step back from our reality, and absorb worlds that other people have created. The games and the Netflix series are very visually inspiring as well!

Q: Who are you favourite fashion photographers? 

A: I’m not massively obsessed with any particular fashion photographers at the moment. Emily Soto’s work is always incredible. The way she utilises film to create these super dreamy photos.

Although he’s not a fashion photographer, Miguel Santa da Silva’s work is incredible. He has literally recreated different film types (visually) in a digital format. His colour grading and toning is simply a work of art. His photos are one of those worlds that I’d love to lose myself in.

Q: Most memorable photo shoot or photo you have ever taken? Which one stands out? 

A: One of my favourite shoots was with Sophie, someone I have shot quite a lot with. I had booked a nice AirBnB in Shoreditch. We got some really great shots there. It was definitely a change scenery from all my outdoor, coffee shop vibe photos.


“ I think if you want to make it, you really have to show you want to make it. To be proactive, create opportunities where opportunities don’t appear.”


Q: Do you have a favourite location to take your photos? 

A: My favourite location would have to be at Five Guys. I’ve been wanting to do a guide on shooting at Five Guys for so long, but I don’t want to give away too many secrets. I can say that Five Guys in Covent Garden has the best mirror/neon sign though!

Q: What camera equipment do you currently use? 

A: I’m currently using Nikon D600 with the 50mm 1.4 D from Nikon which gives a nice soft film look. I also use a Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art lens, which is one of the sharpest 35mm I’ve ever used, and also the 85mm 1.8G from Nikon. I’m mostly shooting with prime lenses at the moment, because I feel like I shoot lazier with zoom lenses.

I recently picked up the Mamiya 645 Super which is good entry level medium format film camera. I’m so excited to shoot more with it, as I know it’ll produce really great photos and it’ll bring my content to a new level.

Q: Who should everyone be following on Instagram right now? 

A: I really like Miguel Santana da Silva (@miguelsantana_). Everyone should check out his work and aspire to work as passionately as he does. 

Q: Best tip to cope with COVID-19 lockdown? 

A: Firstly, enjoy yourself because this will be one of the only breaks you may take for awhile. Find a series - whether it’s TV or book - and lose yourself inside it. When you’ve finished that, set yourself a goal to achieve. It doesn’t matter if it’s small or big, just something to say you’ve been productive.


Q: Where were you during lockdown? 

A: I was lucky to be furloughed and to be in London with my girlfriend. I spent most of my time watching the telly, and playing board games. I did feel a bit bad because I’d be getting paid to stay home while my girlfriend had to carry on working at the hospital.

Q: I’m sure you’ve been asked this question many times, but how do you think the photography world will be effected by COVID-19?

A: Photographers will need to find a new professional way to conduct their shoots. I know property photographers are having to sanitise their equipment between locations. For photoshoots, we need to keep our distance and wear masks if appropriate. I really feel for MUA’s and hair stylists, it’ll be tough for them to work safely.

A: Three items you always shoot with?

Q: I think every fashion/portrait photographer has to have either of these two combinations. Three prime lenses covering at least 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm. Or have a 24-70mm. These lenses should cover your bases when shooting full body and portraits. For me, I mostly use my primes. I use my 24-70mm for events or travelling. I think each photographer needs to know the strengths of their lenses. It’s alright to spend £2000 on a lens that everyone says is great, but you need to know how it will behave. Like my 50mm, it’s an old one for film cameras. It has a nice soft look when open between f1.4-2.0. I know how this lens behaves if I’m shooting a backlit subject, which is completely different to my other lenses. I always carry my Cote et Ciel bag when I shoot. The straps are so padded, it doesn’t matter if I’m carrying 4 lenses and two camera bodies - you barely feel the weight. Plus it looks super cool 😎. I also shoot with a prism, which creates rainbow effects on camera, and nice light refractions. It can be a bit of a cliche, but it works wonders if you use it modestly.

Q: First place you’ll travel to on a plane when things open up again?

A: Somewhere that’s hot!

Lotta Liina KIPKAT

Q: Favourite place to escape or go on vacation?

A: I love to go down to Poole/Bournemouth area. It’s really nice there. It feels like a holiday but in England still.

Q: Favourite film / Netflix series recommendation?

A: The Witcher!

Q: Best WFH song?

A: Toosie Slide by Drake

Q: Coffee or tea? 

A: Tea of course.

Q: Where is your favourite city? 

A: London will always be my favourite city.

Q: What’s your secret London place? 

A: There’s a nice riverside cafe where I live in Barking. Not the most photogenic, but incredibly chill there.


Q: Favourite food?

A: Spaghetti Bolognese.

Q: Favourite brand? 

A: Apple

Q: If you could buy any building and live there, which would it be? 

A: I’d love to buy a flat in the Barbican Estate.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 

A: I check the clock to see if I can sleep a bit longer.

Q: Do you have a favourite pair of jeans?  

A: I really love Uniqlo’s jeans. I find them stretchy, and I love that they alter them to size.

Q: Breakfast of champions? 

A:  A fry up!

Q: How many languages do you speak? 

A: 2 - English and Cantonese!

Q: What does the future hold for @kipkat? ( do you have any exciting plans for the future ) 

A: At the moment, I want to shoot more often again. I’m going to spam Instagram with shoots from my new camera. Hopefully, I’ll be lucky enough to work with more brands this year.

Q: Name a fellow friend / creative who you think should be interviewed for HOW DID YOU GET HERE?

A: I’ve mentioned them before, Miguel Santana da Silva. He’s more well known for giving Trump the finger than his creative work at the moment! Oh, and he’s worked on Star Wars!